Some Democrats just will not give it up and follow decency!

by Brian

I have been following politics and politicians, who should be re-named Public Servants, for over 45 years.  Recently two Democrats have spoken such unbelievable pronouncements, that one wonders why they have not been spoken to, in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s case and severely reprimanded, in the case of Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

Sen. Feinstein stated that ” Oh, I’d be in favor of opening up the allegations. Absolutely” regarding allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Perhaps Sen. Feinstein was absent when the tally of investigations of Kavanaugh by the FBI hit 7 – all with NO evidence of ANY wrong doing.  Or perhaps she IS “absent minded”, or what I really believe, NOT working for the interests of the people of California she was elected to serve, but chasing ghosts as directed by covert elements who are really the ones guiding her incorrect actions and misdeeds.

Then we have Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who I believe should be charged with inciting violence, as she practically ordered her base of Democrat citizens to harass and shout at and disrupt the lives of ANY individuals in the Trump organization, Cabinet, or who support him and his policies…regardless if they are out enjoying private time in a restaurant or other public place or not. It does not matter to Waters who urged completely rude, dangerous and possibly illegal acts to be committed against anyone not in agreement of Democrat ideas.  Sounds like SS Storm Trooper tactics to me.

Some Democrats need a strong talking to and in Waters case, a civil investigation to determine if she violated laws regarding inciting riots. She should also be held as an accessory and as accountable for anyone injured by those following her encouragements for Democrats to harass individuals in private and public places.

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